Strength Exercises for Runners

If you are ready to add some additional strength training to your routine, then you are in the right place. To help you get started, here are some of my favorite exercises for runners.

If you aren’t so sure yet and want to learn why strength training is vital for all runners, I encourage you to read our blog post Strength Training: A Non-negotiable for Runners.


Here we go with my Top 3 Running Exercises

Single Leg RDL to Heel Raise

Weighted Step Up

Single Leg Squat with Band

Here are some tips for performed these exercises:

  • For each movement, select a weight or range of motion that makes the movement challenging. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side. 

  • When in doubt, slow it down. This increases the time under tension and increases the relative load on your muscles. Focus on maintaining stability and control throughout the whole movement. 

If you have any pain or difficulty with these movements, consider scheduling a call with a Doctor of Physical Therapy to dive further into the possible reasons why.

If you want to learn more, book a session at Ascent PT & Performance to build your strength and running performance!


Strength Training: A Non-negotiable for Runners


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